FITS Format Errors
FITSverify tests whether a FITS file meets the requirements of Version 3.0 of the FITS Standard.
It will test for any of the following error or warning conditions:
ERROR CONDITIONS - Mandatory keyword not present or out of order - Mandatory keyword has wrong datatype or illegal value - END header keyword is not present - Sum of table column widths is inconsistent with NAXIS1 value - BLANK keyword present in image with floating-point datatype - TNULLn keyword present for floating-point binary table column - Bit column has non-zero fill bits or is not left adjusted - ASCII TABLE column contains illegal value inconsistent with TFORMn - Address to a variable length array not within the data heap - Extraneous bytes in the FITS file following the last HDU - Mandatory keyword values not expressed in fixed format - Mandatory keyword duplicated elsewhere in the header - Header contains illegal ASCII character (not ASCII 32 - 126) - Keyword name contains illegal character - Keyword value field has illegal format - Value and comment fields not separated by a slash character - END keyword not filled with blanks in columns 9 - 80 - Reserved keyword with wrong datatype or illegal value - XTENSION keyword in the primary array - Column related keyword (TFIELDS, TTYPEn,TFORMn, etc.) in an image - SIMPLE, EXTEND, or BLOCKED keyword in any extension - BSCALE, BZERO, BUNIT, BLANK, DATAMAX, DATAMIN keywords in a table - Table WCS keywords (TCTYPn, TCRPXn, TCRVLn, etc.) in an image - TDIMn or THEAP keyword in an ASCII table - TBCOLn keyword in a Binary table - THEAP keyword in a binary table that has PCOUNT = 0 - XTENSION, TFORMn, TDISPn or TDIMn value contains leading space(s) - WCSAXES keyword appears after other WCS keywords - Index of any WCS keyword (CRPIXn, CRVALn, etc.) greater than value of WCSNAXES - Index of any table column descriptor keyword (TTYPEn, TFORMn, etc.) greater than value of TFIELDS - TSCALn or TZEROn present for an ASCII, logical, or Bit column - TDISPn value is inconsistent with the column datatype - Length of a variable length array greater than the maximum length as given by the TFORMn keyword - ASCII table floating-point column value does not have decimal point(*) - ASCII table numeric column value has embedded space character - Logical column contains illegal value not equal to 'T', 'F', or 0 - Character string column contains non-ASCII text character - Header fill bytes not all blanks - Data fill bytes not all blanks in ASCII tables or all zeros in any other type of HDU - Gaps between defined ASCII table columns contain characters with ASCII value > 127 WARNING CONDITIONS - SIMPLE = F - Presence of deprecated keywords BLOCKED or EPOCH - 2 HDUs have identical EXTNAME, EXTVER, and EXTLEVEL values - BSCALE or TSCALn value = 0. - BLANK OR TNULLn value exceeds the legal range - TFORMn has 'rAw' format and r is not a multiple of w - DATE = 'dd/mm/yy' and yy is less than 10 (Y2K problem??) - Index of any WCS keyword (CRPIXn, CRVALn, etc.) greater than value of NAXIS, if the WCSAXES keyword is not present - Duplicated keyword (except COMMENT, HISTORY, blank, etc.) - Column name (TTYPEn) does not exist or contains characters other than letter, digit and underscore - Binary table has PCOUNT > 0, but no variable-length array columns - Calculated checksum inconsistent with CHECKSUM or DATASUM keyword