COMMISSION 5: DOCUMENTATION AND ASTRONOMICAL DATA PRESIDENT: B. Hauck SECRETARY: H. Andernach Session 1: BUSINESS MEETING 18 August 1994 Chairman: B. Hauck 1. Report of the President for 1991-1994: [...] The main problem that the SOC had to deal with was determining a new structure for Commission 5 as well as its status after restucturing of the IAU Commisions as a whole. The SOC has discussed the proposals of the IAU General Secretary, J. Bergeron, concerning the restructuring of commissions. B. hauck, in his reply to J. Bergeron, underlined that Commission 5 is not a scientific commission but an advisory commission to the Executive Committee. Commission 5 wishes to act more than in the past as an advisory body to the Executive Committee, to other commissions and also to editors. [...] 5. Working Groups and Task Groups for 1994-1997 The following WGs and TGs and their chairpersons were agreed on: WG Astronomical Data: E. Raimond WG Information Handling: A.G. Hearn WG Libraries: W.H Warren/ b. Corbin TG FITS: D. Wells TG Data Centres & Networks: M. Creze TG Designations: H. Dickel TG Thesaurus: R. Shobbrook TG UDC 52: G. Wilkins [...] Session 2 23 August 1994 [...] TG FITS (Chair: P. Grosbol). P. Grosbol summarized activities of the past triennium. A formal voting procedure for approval of new proposals for the FITS format was defined by the Working Group. It was agreed that at least 3/4 of the members must vote for a proposal to have it accepted. Following this procedure the proposals for the binary 3-D table extension (BINTABLE), the image extension (IMAGE) and the blocking rules were accepted as new standards. They had already been supported by the European, North American and Japanese FITS Groups as required for a formal vote in the IAU FITS Working Group. Thus, these proposals have become a part of the FITS standards by the mandate given to the FITS WG by the General Assembly (ref. resolution B2, 20th IAU GA). The NASA Office of Standards and Technology (NOST) made a significant contribution with concise description of the FITS standard. This document was subjected to a rigorous review procedure to ensure conformity. The Office also issued a FITS users guide and provides support for the community. Extensive information on FITS is available via anonymous ftp at the Internet host "" and on the WWW mosaic pages. It includes standard documents, traffic on the FITS News group and test files. D. Wells, the new chairman for 1994-1997, outlined the main activities for this period. They include a critical review of the relationship between Working Group and Union, and approval of the NOST FITS document with a clarification of the usage of physical units. Further, the group will work toward agreements on a standard representation of World Coordinates and usage of data compression. Reference: Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, Vol. XXIIB (1996), pp. 123-126.