SIMPLE = T / File conforms to FITS standard BITPIX = 8 / Bits per pixel (not used) NAXIS = 0 / PHU contains no image matrix EXTEND = T / File contains extensions ORIGIN = 'NOAO Fgwrite utility May 1999' TOCLEN = 9 / Number of entries in TOC COMMENT Col 11-14: Index COMMENT Col 16-19: Header Offset (FITS block) COMMENT Col 21-24: File size (FITS block) COMMENT Col 26-27: FITS type: f(tbdlfm) or (tbio) COMMENT Col 29: Directory Level COMMENT Col 31-80: Filename 1 1 0 fd 1 tki 2 2 1 fb 2 max.o 3 4 0 fd 2 dir2 4 5 1 ft 3 list.txt 5 7 1 ft 3 home.txt 6 9 1 ft 2 gmttolst.c 7 11 1 ft 2 a.c 8 13 1 ft 2 varg.c 9 15 1 ft 2 max.c END XTENSION= 'FOREIGN ' / NOAO xtension type BITPIX = 8 / Bits per pixel (byte) NAXIS = 0 / No Image matrix GCOUNT = 1 / One group PCOUNT = 0 / File size in bytes EXTNAME = 'tki ' / Filename EXTVER = 1 EXTLEVEL= 1 / Directory level FG_GROUP= 'zarate ' / Group Name FG_FNAME= 'tki ' / Filename FG_FTYPE= 'directory' / File type FG_LEVEL= 1 / Directory level FG_FSIZE= 0 / Data size (bytes) FG_FMODE= 'drwxrwxr-x' / File mode FG_FUOWN= 'zarate ' / File UID FG_FUGRP= 'users ' / File GID FG_CTIME= '2007-09-08T02:24:39' / file ctime (GMT) FG_MTIME= '2007-09-08T02:24:39' / file mtime (GMT) END XTENSION= 'FOREIGN ' / NOAO xtension type BITPIX = 8 / Bits per pixel (byte) NAXIS = 0 / No Image matrix GCOUNT = 1 / One group PCOUNT = 1616 / File size in bytes EXTNAME = 'max.o ' / Filename EXTVER = 1 EXTLEVEL= 2 / Directory level FG_GROUP= 'zarate ' / Group Name FG_FNAME= 'max.o ' / Filename FG_FTYPE= 'binary ' / File type FG_LEVEL= 2 / Directory level FG_FSIZE= 1616 / Data size (bytes) FG_FMODE= '-rw-rw-r--' / File mode FG_FUOWN= 'zarate ' / File UID FG_FUGRP= 'users ' / File GID FG_CTIME= '2007-05-22T21:19:44' / file ctime (GMT) FG_MTIME= '2007-05-22T21:19:44' / file mtime (GMT) END ELF>x@@ UHHHEEE1uHeHUHuE}C~i:%d %lX %ld zRx YAC GCC: (GNU) 4.1.0 20060304 (Red Hat 4.1.0-3) @Y` &,1>898 H-Qa   Y max.cmainprintf$ . ? I XTENSION= 'FOREIGN ' / NOAO xtension type BITPIX = 8 / Bits per pixel (byte) NAXIS = 0 / No Image matrix GCOUNT = 1 / One group PCOUNT = 0 / File size in bytes EXTNAME = 'dir2 ' / Filename EXTVER = 1 EXTLEVEL= 2 / Directory level FG_GROUP= 'zarate ' / Group Name FG_FNAME= 'dir2 ' / Filename FG_FTYPE= 'directory' / File type FG_LEVEL= 2 / Directory level FG_FSIZE= 0 / Data size (bytes) FG_FMODE= 'drwxrwxr-x' / File mode FG_FUOWN= 'zarate ' / File UID FG_FUGRP= 'users ' / File GID FG_CTIME= '2007-09-08T02:26:28' / file ctime (GMT) FG_MTIME= '2007-09-08T02:26:28' / file mtime (GMT) END XTENSION= 'FOREIGN ' / NOAO xtension type BITPIX = 8 / Bits per pixel (byte) NAXIS = 0 / No Image matrix GCOUNT = 1 / One group PCOUNT = 69 / File size in bytes EXTNAME = 'list.txt' / Filename EXTVER = 1 EXTLEVEL= 3 / Directory level FG_GROUP= 'zarate ' / Group Name FG_FNAME= 'list.txt' / Filename FG_FTYPE= 'text ' / File type FG_LEVEL= 3 / Directory level FG_FSIZE= 69 / Data size (bytes) FG_FMODE= '-rw-rw-r--' / File mode FG_FUOWN= 'zarate ' / File UID FG_FUGRP= 'users ' / File GID FG_CTIME= '2007-09-08T02:26:28' / file ctime (GMT) FG_MTIME= '2007-09-08T02:26:28' / file mtime (GMT) END total 4 -rw-rw-r-- 1 zarate users 3685 Sep 18 2006 dataStaging.html XTENSION= 'FOREIGN ' / NOAO xtension type BITPIX = 8 / Bits per pixel (byte) NAXIS = 0 / No Image matrix GCOUNT = 1 / One group PCOUNT = 1113 / File size in bytes EXTNAME = 'home.txt' / Filename EXTVER = 1 EXTLEVEL= 3 / Directory level FG_GROUP= 'zarate ' / Group Name FG_FNAME= 'home.txt' / Filename FG_FTYPE= 'text ' / File type FG_LEVEL= 3 / Directory level FG_FSIZE= 1113 / Data size (bytes) FG_FMODE= '-rw-rw-r--' / File mode FG_FUOWN= 'zarate ' / File UID FG_FUGRP= 'users ' / File GID FG_CTIME= '2007-09-08T02:25:12' / file ctime (GMT) FG_MTIME= '2007-09-08T02:25:12' / file mtime (GMT) END 0DCI@ adass2006/ Algebra_adj_guide@ cat.in_save cat_lis* cat_lis2* cat_lis3* cat_lis4* clhistory.txt cvs_help CVShelp@ dci@ Dci/ debug.txt dennis.txt Desktop/ dhs@ DHS/ dhskw.txt dhsl@ dhslib-4m/ DHS_SAVE/ dpp_fotos/ dts/ fg1.doc fg1.odt fg2.doc fg3.doc fg3.odt fg_adass.doc fgSlides.ppt Firefox_wallpaper.png fits_foreign.txt fits_inheritance.txt fitsutil/ fixkw@ FOREIGN_FITS.odt FOREIGN_FITS_upd.odt fpack/ fpack820.tar fpack.tar g95@ gradereportOIT.doc iraf/ iraf64@ iraf_plio.html iraf_plio.html~ java_class/ JPMCStatement-5-2.pdf jraf@ KatyDeclCIEE02.12new.doc katy_presentacion.doc mat122/ mis/ misc/ mkpkg mos_tape.lis ndhs.Readme newfirm.dia newfirm.dia~ newfirm.eps Newfirm.eps newfirm.png newskw.txt NOTES/ oelqui@ panSaver@ pcc/ ped@ perform.doc pipeModules.html~ pipeUG/ plio_fits.log plio_fits.tex plout.fits prop531.doc ptest.c pyt/ qq.f README.remed remed@ REMED/ remed.flis remed.lis repaired/ stb/ sum* sum.c sum.pyc templates/ tki/ tmem.e* tmem.f tmem.x toolbars/ uparm/ userguide.session vmware/ xml/ Zarate04FASA_TAXFORM_vts.pdf ZARATE-KLEINSCHMIDT-USC05.pdf zlocpr.c ztest.c XTENSION= 'FOREIGN ' / NOAO xtension type BITPIX = 8 / Bits per pixel (byte) NAXIS = 0 / No Image matrix GCOUNT = 1 / One group PCOUNT = 1243 / File size in bytes EXTNAME = 'gmttolst.c' / Filename EXTVER = 1 EXTLEVEL= 2 / Directory level FG_GROUP= 'zarate ' / Group Name FG_FNAME= 'gmttolst.c' / Filename FG_FTYPE= 'text ' / File type FG_LEVEL= 2 / Directory level FG_FSIZE= 1243 / Data size (bytes) FG_FMODE= '-rw-r--r--' / File mode FG_FUOWN= 'zarate ' / File UID FG_FUGRP= 'users ' / File GID FG_CTIME= '2007-05-22T18:48:50' / file ctime (GMT) FG_MTIME= '2005-04-04T15:27:57' / file mtime (GMT) END #include #define SECONDS_1970_TO_1980 315532800L static long get_timezone(); struct tml { int tm_sec; /* seconds */ int tm_min; /* minutes */ int tm_hour; /* hours */ int tm_mday; /* day of the month */ int tm_mon; /* month */ int tm_year; /* year */ int tm_wday; /* day of the week */ int tm_yday; /* day in the year */ int tm_isdst; /* daylight saving time */ }; /* GMT_TO_LST -- Convert gmt to local standard time, epoch 1980. */ time_t gmt_to_lst (gmt) time_t gmt; { struct tml *localtime(); struct tml *tm; time_t time_var; time_t gmtl; time_t inttm; int itm; /* Subtract seconds westward from GMT */ time_var = gmt - get_timezone(); /* Correct for daylight savings time, if in effect */ tm = localtime(&gmtl); /* inttm = (time_t)tm->tm_isdst; */ itm = tm->tm_isdst; if (inttm) time_var += 60L * 60L; return (time_var - SECONDS_1970_TO_1980); } XTENSION= 'FOREIGN ' / NOAO xtension type BITPIX = 8 / Bits per pixel (byte) NAXIS = 0 / No Image matrix GCOUNT = 1 / One group PCOUNT = 770 / File size in bytes EXTNAME = 'a.c ' / Filename EXTVER = 1 EXTLEVEL= 2 / Directory level FG_GROUP= 'zarate ' / Group Name FG_FNAME= 'a.c ' / Filename FG_FTYPE= 'text ' / File type FG_LEVEL= 2 / Directory level FG_FSIZE= 770 / Data size (bytes) FG_FMODE= '-rw-rw-r--' / File mode FG_FUOWN= 'zarate ' / File UID FG_FUGRP= 'users ' / File GID FG_CTIME= '2007-05-22T18:48:50' / file ctime (GMT) FG_MTIME= '2007-05-21T17:01:44' / file mtime (GMT) END extern char u_ctype_[]; long int u_atoi (str) char *str; { register char *ip = str; register int ch, ival; int neg; if (*str == '\0') return (0); while (((u_ctype_+1)[*ip]&010)) ip++; if ((ch = *ip) == 'I') if (u_strnp (ip, "INDEF", 5) == 0) if (! (((u_ctype_+1)[ch = *(ip+5)]&(01|02|04)) || ch == '_')) return(0x8000000000000000); /* return ((0x80000001)) ;*/ neg = 0; if (ch == '-') { neg++; ip++; } else if (ch == '+') ip++; ival = 0; while (((u_ctype_+1)[ch = *ip++]&04)) ival = ival * 10 + ((ch)-'0'); return (neg ? -ival : ival); } XTENSION= 'FOREIGN ' / NOAO xtension type BITPIX = 8 / Bits per pixel (byte) NAXIS = 0 / No Image matrix GCOUNT = 1 / One group PCOUNT = 284 / File size in bytes EXTNAME = 'varg.c ' / Filename EXTVER = 1 EXTLEVEL= 2 / Directory level FG_GROUP= 'zarate ' / Group Name FG_FNAME= 'varg.c ' / Filename FG_FTYPE= 'text ' / File type FG_LEVEL= 2 / Directory level FG_FSIZE= 284 / Data size (bytes) FG_FMODE= '-rw-rw-r--' / File mode FG_FUOWN= 'zarate ' / File UID FG_FUGRP= 'users ' / File GID FG_CTIME= '2007-05-22T18:49:04' / file ctime (GMT) FG_MTIME= '2007-05-22T18:49:04' / file mtime (GMT) END #include #include #include void varArg(int d,...) { va_list ap; int i; va_start(ap,d); for (i=0;i main() { int i,k; long int l; va_list *argp ; l=1; *(va_arg ((**argp), int *)) = INDEFI ; /* (-2147483647) */ for (i=1;i<68;i++){ printf("i:%d ",i); l=l*2 ; printf("%lX %ld\n",l,l); } }