function [output_image, bzero, bscale] = fitsread(filename,n_hdu) %FITSREAD reads a FITS image into a Matlab variable. % % [data, bzero, bscale]=fitsread(filename) % [data, bzero, bscale]=fitsread(filename,h_hdu) % % The variable 'n_hdu' explicity tells FITSREAD how many % sets of 36 header 'cards' precede the data. One normally % lets the function figure this out on its own. % % Final data values are to be computed by data*bscale+bzero % % Known problems % Will only deal with 2D fits files. % % Version 2.0 % R. Abraham, Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge University % % Modified R.G.Lane 18 November 1997 to use strcmp % to return bzero, bscale % EEE University of Canterbury %The first few cards of the first set of 36 cards must give information %in a pre-defined order (eg. the data format, number of axes, %size etc) but after that the header keywords can come in any %order. The end of the last card giving information is flagged by %the keyword END, after which blank lines are added to pad the %last set of cards so it also contains 36 cards. After the last card %the data begins, in a format specified by the BITPIX keyword. %The dimensions of the data are specified by the NAXIS1 and %NAXIS2 keywords. % %Reference: NASA/Science Office of Standards and Technology % "Definition of the Flexible Image Transport System" % NOST 100-1.0 % % This and other FITS documents are available on-line at: % %Set flag indicating unknown number of HDUs if nargin<2 n_hdu='unknown'; end; if isstr(n_hdu) n_hdu=upper(n_hdu); end; %Allow user to specify a few keywords to indicate number of card sets if strcmp(n_hdu,'HST') | strcmp(n_hdu,'STSCI') | strcmp(n_hdu,'MDS') n_hdu=6; end if strcmp(n_hdu,'FREI') n_hdu=2; end %Open the file fid=-1; if ~isstr(filename) filename=setstr(filename); end; if (isempty(findstr(filename,'.'))==1) filename=[filename,'.fits']; end [file,message] = fopen(filename,'r','l'); if file == -1 error(message); end %First five cards must contain specific information [d,simple,d]=parse_card(setstr(fread(file,80,'uchar')')); [d,bitpix,d]=parse_card(setstr(fread(file,80,'uchar')')); [d,naxis,d]=parse_card(setstr(fread(file,80,'uchar')')); [d,naxis1,d]=parse_card(setstr(fread(file,80,'uchar')')); [d,naxis2,d]=parse_card(setstr(fread(file,80,'uchar')')); if n_hdu=='UNKNOWN' %Keep reading cards until one turns up with the keyword 'END'. n_card=5; keyword=' '; while(~strcmp(upper(deblank(keyword)),'END')) n_card=n_card+1; card=setstr(fread(file,80,'uchar')'); keyword=parse_card(card); if (strcmp(upper(deblank(keyword)),'BZERO')) [keyword,bzero,comment]=parse_card(card); end if (strcmp(upper(deblank(keyword)),'BSCALE')) [keyword,bscale,comment]=parse_card(card); end end; %Go past the blank lines of padding before the start of the data n_blanks = 36 - rem(n_card,36); dummy=fread(file,n_blanks*80,'uchar'); else dummy=fread(file,((n_hdu*36)-5)*80,'uchar'); end; %Read the data. Note big-endian switch is used (Mac and UNIX! if bitpix==-64 X=fread(file,naxis1*naxis2,'float32','b'); elseif bitpix==-32 X=fread(file,naxis1*naxis2,'float','b'); elseif bitpix==8 X=fread(file,naxis1*naxis2,'uint8','b'); elseif bitpix==16 X=fread(file,naxis1*naxis2,'short','b'); elseif bitpix==32 X=fread(file,naxis1*naxis2,'long','b'); else error('data type specified by BITPIX keyword is not -64, -32, 8, 16, or 32'); end; %Clean up and output data fclose(file); output_image=rot90(reshape(X,naxis1,naxis2));