COMMISSION 5: DOCUMENTATION AND ASTRONOMICAL DATA PRESIDENT: G. A. Wilkens VICE-PRESIDENT: B. Hauck ORGANISING COMMITTEE: O. B. Dluzhnevskaya, W. D. Heintz, C. O. Jaschek, P. Lantos, S. Mitton, F. Spite, P. A. Wayman, G. Westerhout, C. E. Worley REPORT BY THE PRESIDENT FOR THE PERIOD 1985 DECEMBER 1 to 1987 October 30 The aims of this report are, firstly, to review the activities of Commission 5 during the period since the IAU General Assembly in Delhi in November 1985 and, secondly, to draw attention to other relevant activities. It is based mainly on contributions from the Chairmen of the working groups and other members of the Commission, but it also includes some items of general interest that have been taken from the Commission's Newsletter. The Working Groups and their Chairmen are as follows: Astronomical Data G. Westerhout Designations C.O. Jaschek Classification P. Lantos Abstracting Guidelines L.D. Schmadel [9 non-relevant paragraphs omitted.] FITS Task Force The FITS Task Force was created by the Working Group on Astronomical Data during the IAU General Assembly in 1982, when the FITS tape format was recommended for the interchange of image data between observatories. The two main functions of the Task Force are: (1) to channel comments and suggestions on the use of FITS for the interchange of data, and (2) to investigate the extension of FITS for use in the exchange of catalogues. The FITS Task Force consists at present of: P. Grosbol (ESO, Chairman), F. Ochsenbein (ESO), W. H. Warren (NASA), and D. Wells (NRAO). A European FITS Committee was created with members from major institutes in most European countries to act as a local forum for discussions of FITS matters. After extensive tests, a proposal for a Generalized Extension of FITS including a Table Extension was finalized and presented to the AAS-WGAS FITS Group and to the European FITS Committee; both groups accepted the proposal. The final text of the proposal was accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series. The Task Force also made a proposal for the physical blocking of FITS data files to improve efficiency, while maintaining the logical blocksize of 2880 bytes; it allows a blocking factor of 1 to 10 on nine-track magnetic tapes. This proposal was also accepted, and both came into use from 1 January 1987. An electronic mailbox for FITS was set up at NRAO by D Wells. It is accessible from all major computer networks and will distribute mail messages to all major institutes using FITS. It enables a faster and more general discussion of the FITS standard in the community. Reference: Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, Vol. XXA (1988), Reports on Astronomy, pp. 7-9.