SIMPLE = T / Standard FITS format (rev Feb 85) BITPIX = -32 / IEEE Floating point format NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 128 / x-axis NAXIS2 = 128 / y-axis BLOCKED = T / Blocked Format ORIGIN = 'BASIC-UX-LA SILLA ' / CREATED IN BASIC UX OBJECT = 'Test data ' / Identifier (16 chars) DATE = '13/05/93 ' / Date this file was written DATE-OBS= '13/05/93 ' / Date this data were created TM-START= 0.69932E+05 / Measurement start time (sec. UT) TM-END = 0.70121E+05 / Measurement end time (sec. UT) TIME-SID= 0.36564E+05 / Sideral start time (sec.) RA = 187.3721 / tel. pos. right-ascens. DEC = -21.2211 / tel. pos. declination AIRMASS = 1.019 / Airmass INSTRUME= 'IRAC-2a ' / System which created data CRVAL1 = 1. / coordinate of 1. pixel (xstart) CRPIX1 = 1. / array location of reference pixel CDELT1 = 1. / increment along axis (x-step) CTYPE1 = ' PIXEL ' / coordinate type CRVAL2 = 1. / coordinate of 1. pixel (ystart) CRPIX2 = 1. / array location of reference pixel CDELT2 = 1. / increment along axis (y-step) CTYPE2 = ' PIXEL ' / coordinate type EXPTIME = 0.20000E+01 / Exposure time OBSERVER= 'P.Grosbol ' / COMMENT = 'May 13 , / ' HIERARCH ESO GEN ID = 'Unknown ' / Version of related document HIERARCH ESO GEN NO = 12371 / Image Sequence Number HIERARCH ESO GEN TYPE = 'SCI ' / Type of Exposure HIERARCH ESO GEN LST = 0.36564E+05 / Loc. Sideral Time at Start of Ex. HIERARCH ESO TEL ID = 'ESO22I ' / Telescope Identification HIERARCH ESO TEL LON = -70.7345 / Telescope Longitude (+=East) HIERARCH ESO TEL LAT = -29.2584 / Telescope Latitude (+=North) HIERARCH ESO TEL HEIGHT = 2440 / Telescope Altitude HIERARCH ESO TEL FOCUS LENGTH= 77000 / Focal Length HIERARCH ESO TEL BEAMSWITCH = 'OFF ' / Telescope Beam Switch HIERARCH ESO TEL FOC-POS = 0.29320E+04 / Focus of F/35 Secondary HIERARCH ESO INS NAME = 'IRAC-2 ' / Name of Instrument HIERARCH ESO INS LENS = 'LC 0 ' / Lens+Pixelshift HIERARCH ESO INS MAGN = '0.49 ' / Lens Magnification HIERARCH ESO INS FILTER = 'KP ' / Filter HIERARCH ESO INS FILT-CUTON = 0.19400E+01 / Filter Wavelength Start HIERARCH ESO INS FILT-CUTOFF = 0.22800E+01 / Filter Wavelength End HIERARCH ESO INS FILT-TRANSM = 0.82000E+00 / Filter Peak Transmission HIERARCH ESO INS FP-POS = 'OUT ' / Fabry Perot Position HIERARCH ESO INS FP-WAVE-LEN = 0.00000E+00 / Fabry Perot Wavelength HIERARCH ESO DET NAME = 'ROCK 256^2' / Rockwell Science-Grade Array No.1 HIERARCH ESO DET PIX_SIZE = 4.E-5 / Pixel Size HIERARCH ESO DET BITS = 16 / ADU Bits / Pixel HIERARCH ESO DET DIT = 0.20000E+01 / Detector Integration Time (sec) HIERARCH ESO DET NDIT = 90 / Number of DITs HIERARCH ESO DET NINT = 1 / Number of NDITs HIERARCH ESO DET DUMDIT = 0 / Number of Dummy Readouts HIERARCH ESO DET NCORRS = 'Double ' / Sampling Method END =-=-= End of header. 58 cards (2 FITS records) =-=-= =-=-= Skipped 66240 bytes (23r0 FITS records) =-=-= =-=-= End-of-File, 72000 bytes in file (25r0 FITS records) =-=-=