Multi-Beam FITS Raw Data Format Convention
MBFITS is the raw data format for multibeam receivers based on FITS to be
used at the IRAM 30m and APEX 12m mm/submm and other telescopes. This format is suitable
for single-dish bolometer and heterodyne observations. MBFITS borrowed some
of its design concepts from the ALMA-TI FITS format, but has added new structures
and keywords to accommodate multiple beam observing and multiple frontend
or backend combinations.
April 2007 by Dirk Muders (Max-Planck Institute, Bonn, Germany)
July 2007
Date and Place of First Usage:
2002, at the IRAM 30m and APEX telescopes.
Extent of Usage:
Used in routine production of data taken with the IRAM, APEX, Effelsberg 100m, Yebes 40m, and SRT 64m
Full Documentation:
Sample FITS File:
Last revised: Friday, 26-Oct-2018 17:04:13 EDT
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